Saturday 22 October 2011

Who has made lawful things unlawful?---some unlawful things

Say, “Who has prohibited the adornment Allah has brought forth for His servants, and the wholesome things of sustenance?” Say, “They are for the believers during this worldly life (though shared by others), while they are purely for them on the day of Resurrection. This is how We elaborate the verses for people who understand.”

Say, “My Lord has prohibited only the shameful acts, whether open or secret, and (every) sinful act, and unjust aggression, and that you associate with Allah anything for which He has not sent any authority, and that you attribute to Allah any thing about which you do not have sure knowledge.

Al a'raaf 32-33

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Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais Para Ch # 1 القرآن

HD Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais Para Ch # 1 القرآن